Speaker Biography

Mohammad Aleysa

Dr.-Ing. Mohammad Aleysa is an expert in the environment-friendly combustion technologies. From his position as a group manager of the Combustion – and Environment Technologies and a head of the accredited and notified test laboratory of Firing Systems and Chimneys in Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP in Stuttgart/Germany seeks to find new constructive concepts and technologies as preventive measures that aim to minimize the formation of dust and gaseous pollutants. His latest achievement based on improving new smart monitoring and controlling systems for the pre-determination of the combustion quality in small-scaled combustion systems.



Biomass as a renewable energy source is gaining increasingly importance due to the unpredictable price development and the scarcity of fossil fuels. However, the increased energy use of biomass must not lead to an increase in harmful pollutant emissions in residential areas and should promote the development of innovative combustion technologies which not only ensure an economic and ecological energy supply but also have to be modernized and regulated in such a way that they can be integrated into the existing intelligent energy management systems in buildings or other facilities.

Within this scope an innovative technology combination has been developed for a better combustion quality and higher efficiency of the thermal utilization of biomass small-scaled combustion systems:

  • Integrated Cyclone-Packed Technology

It represents an integrated flue gas treatment measurement for the combustion of biomass in small-scaled combustion systems. This primary measurement comprises a cyclone as the main combustion chamber and the packed technology as a post treatment step. Optimum 3-Ts (high temperature, intensive turbulent, enough residence time) are fulfilled in the Cyclone-chamber due to the recirculation effect of the cyclone. The relevant emission reduction through Integrated Cyclone-Packed Technology results from the improvement of the combustion in critical operation phases, in which over 90% of the total emissions produced in the conventional gasification boilers is drastically minimized. Furthermore, a minimum increase of the boiler efficiency of 15%, in practice, with corresponding fuel and CO2 savings can be guaranteed.

  • Combustion Management and Monitoring System

The concept of monitoring system is based on regulating the combustion process with the minimum but sufficient oxygen for the completeness of combustion, regardless of the combustion concept or technique or even the fuel used. A novel O2/COe-sensor (oxygen-and-carbon-monoxide-equivalent-sensor) is used. This O2/COe-sensor can simultaneously detect both the content of oxygen and carbon monoxide equivalent in the exhaust gas as an important indicator for the combustion quality and its completeness. A particular advantage of this monitoring system is that the combustion quality can be determined and the emission level can be monitored and comprehensively evaluated during the operation.

The use of the integrated Cyclone-Packed Technology and the Combustion Management and Monitoring System not only can ensure compliance with the limit values of the European regulations in continuous operation but also can offer more cost-effective and competitive combustion technologies for the thermal utilization of biomass and other biogenic fuels in small-scaled combustion plants.